The final of the Flahavan cross country series for primary school members who run 1400m took place at Mallusk on Friday 23rd February
In the girls’ race Rose Reavy (Towerview) was 52nd in 7:47 and Daisy Mullin (Ballyholme) was 54th in 7:48 out of a field of 136 runners.
In the boys’ race Robin Anderson (Grange) was 17th despite being in P6 and racing against a lot of P7s. He finished in
6:41. Just behind him in 19th was Isaac Hall (Glencraig) who also finished in 6:41. Also running were Ben Dumigan (Towerview), 55th in 7:01, and Adam Downey (Towerview), who has just recovered from a long illness and finished 129th in 7:42 out of a field of 145 runners.
[Robin Anderson]