Road results were previously compiled yearly in a PDF and an overall club records PDF created from that. The results within these records were up until 2013 and have been used as the starting point for the creation of an up to date road records list. The Top 10 results have been recorded for each of the following race types; 3K, 5K, 10K, 50K, 100K, 5M, 10M, HM and Marathon for both Male and Female.
Other sources were then used to bring the records up to date; Power Of 10, Queens Website, myRunResults website, ANI website, NIURA website and John Glover (has been collating NI Stats for many years). The detail of each entry is; Time, Name, Location, Date and Source.
Please note that errors are inevitable but can be easily amended. New Top 10 and amended entries can be submitted to , a link in the body of the email should point to the result.
NotesSome athletes appear twice in the top 10; Michael Dyer 5K, Dennis Scott and Terry Eakin 10M and Jessica Craig 5K. This occurred during collation and too much work would be required to amend and place others back into that Top 10. Again a submission of a Top 10 time via email will help to fix this issue going forward.