
AAI 4K Short Course X-C 7th March

The senior men closed in a scoring team of 4 to finish 7th team in the short course inter-club cross country championships of Ireland held at the ALSAA sports ground near Dublin airport.The race, over a distance approximately 4K, was held over a fast, flat and (largely) firm four and half lap course with good weather conditions prevailing.

North Down”s results were: 29th Francis Marsh 13:09, 46th Michael Dyer 13:46, 52nd James Budde 13:58, 61st John Saulters 14:50. Team 7th 188 pts.

The first 3 individuals were Robert Connolly 12:01, Cathal Lombard 12:03, and Paul McNamara 12:13. Letterkenny AC won the team prize with a relatively high score of 100 pts, illustrating the highly competitive nature of the race, the number for individual entries and teams who failed to complete 4 finishers.

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