Congratulations to Jodi Smith and Terry Eakin who qualified for the Northern Ireland team to run in the British and Irish Masters cross country next month in Swansea. Frankie Rea also finished within a qualifying position but unfortunately was not a paid up member of the Masters AA.
Jodi and Terry were in the same race, the ladies 6k race including MO65 where Jodi finished 4th in the competitive F35 group with 23:42 and Terry was 2nd man home in the O65 band timed at 24:19. Helen Byers had a decent run to finish 7th in the F40 age group recording 25:52.
Frankie Rea out performed his own expectations with a 3rd place finish in the M60 which would, in other circumstances, have comfortably qualified him for a NI vest. He crossed the line with a time of 33:07.