The fourth and final meeting in the North Down AC series took place at the Sportsplex on Tuesday on a rather chilly but bright evening. Despite the rapidly approaching end to the track season, there was still a healthy attendance. Many visiting athletes had travelled a fair way for an evening meeting, with a good group from Derry Track Club and others from Strabane and Letterkenny while Orangegrove seemed to be having a domestic championship. Well done to the North Down athletes who had pbs. These were mainly at 200m and included Molly Longstaff, Craig McDermid, Reece Corbett and Aaron Sexton who also had one at shot. It was probably too windy for middle distance pbs, though Jessica Scott had one at 3000m, as did Nick Irvine and Craig McMeechan at 800m.
Another big thank you to all the athletes who have supported these meetings and to all those who officiated throughout the series. Competing demands created a shortage of qualified officials, particularly in the field, so special thank you to those who did attend and had to cover and to those who “volunteered”. There seemed to be plenty of enthusiasm around and hopefully we’ll do it all again next year.
We have to apologise for the missing ladies discus results and hopefully these will be added if and when they emerge.
Result download Open Meet 14/4