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Big Birthday Night for North Down AC

North Down AC celebrated its 40th year of existence on Monday 23rd with a big 40th party with the past, the present and the future of the club all in plain sight. At a function attended by founder members, club legends, current senior and junior athletes and their families, the Chairman and Secretary of ANI, the current and previous Mayors of Bangor and members of the local and athletic press, there was a big barbecue, bouncy castle, a bake-off, novelty races and a final, formal moment. The sun shone and all joined in.

It was very much a team effort led by the organising committee of Gemma McAnirn, Helen Ryan and Janice Fraser whose individual and collective genius came up with the format. Gemma also won the ultra-competitive Bake-Off, and awarded the Master Baker title by a Paul Hollywood lookalike. The club Chairman, Secretary and Godfather did a sterling job on the judging the competition, thoroughly testing the entries and resolving all tie-breaks.

The ANI top Starting Team ensured that there were was serious competition on the track with titles at stake at egg and spoon, sack races, 3 legged races and a final Senior Obstacle Event, not quite the assault course the ex-Mayor claimed.

A big thank you to all not mentioned who organised, helped, cooked, baked, raced and ensured the event went well.

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